November 19, 2020

Top 10 Careers That Can’t Be Replaced by AI or Automation

By Lissette Waugh


Technology has been revolutionary but as it continues to advance more and more jobs are being replaced by artificial intelligence (AI) and automation. Automation and artificial intelligence have impacted society, with both the benefits of economic growth and innovation and the potentially adverse effects, like job and labor replacement. An Oxford Economics report on how…

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The Rise of Beauty Science Influencers and How They Are Changing the Industry

By Lissette Waugh


Consumers are no longer complacently trusting vague claims made by beauty brands. With the prevalence of social media influencers and the internet, brands are being held increasingly accountable for their products. However, there is generally a knowledge gap between the average consumer and the ingredients that are included in products. What Is a Beauty Science…

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